Do you ever have those days/weeks/etc where it seems like your To-Do list grows at a rate at least triple that of your ability to actually accomplish those things? That is the stage I am at now - I feel like I have far too much on my plate to handle at this point, and I have so many lists floating around I can't keep them straight. Some days I look at my calendar and want to say "Screw this, I'm gonna lay on the couch and play video games" And then there's the occasional day when I DO lay on the couch and play video games instead of getting things done... Then I spend the next day stressed beyond belief and mad at myself for not getting anything done. And now I'm getting myself to the point where I am fairly certain that there is no possible way for me to ever get caught up with everything that needs to be done - even looking out to November/December, it seems like I just have too much to do and not enough hours in each day to be every play I need to be...
So, my question to you -- what are some good ways to deal with stress, get yourself motivated, and try to avoid procrastinating?
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