Monday, April 14, 2008


I am happy to announce the winners of my "Critique me and win!" giveaway:

1st place, winner of the Devil Ducky earrings, is SpotlightDesigns
2nd place, winner of the Matchbook notepads, is BeaconBookmarks
3rd place, winner of the button bobbies, is anniepoo

I will be contacting the winners today and mailing out their prizes this week! Congratulations to everyone, and thank you to everyone who participated! I got a lot of really good advice, and now I have a list of all the critiques typed up, and plan on making LOTS changes in my shop over the next week or two.

I've enjoyed the whole giveaway thing (especially using and seeing who the winners were!), so I'm thinking that I will have to have another one sometime soon -- perhaps the next one will be easier for everyone!

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